Cudahy Family Library

Cudahy Family Library Photo

$4 Million In Private Funding Secured

The Ladish Company in Cudahy had donated land on which to construct a new library for Cudahy. The project was dividing the community into factions. There was disagreement among residents about nearly every aspect of the project — single floor vs multiple floors, scope of usage and concerns over higher operating costs, among others.


City officials, concerned about the financial impact, would not support this new project. The project was going nowhere. Because of this controversy, Ladish withdrew its site donation, not wanting to get embroiled in local politics. A Signature Services Group associate was hired and worked with the Library’s Board of Directors for nearly three years to increase awareness about the need and impact the Library made in the local community. With proper counsel, perceptions about the project changed to the positive, the community became involved and engaged, an advisory referendum was put on the ballot to ask residents if they would approve a tax increase for the project and it passed with flying colors. Given that level of support, city officials began backing the project.


Once that occurred, planning for a capital campaign began, and Signature Services Group led efforts to raise $4M in addition to the public funds committed. During the quiet portion of the campaign, a lead gift of over $1M was pledged from the Cudahy family. More than $4M was raised privately, and a new state-of-the-art library was constructed on Packard Avenue. The facility serves as a community gathering place and has spurred a downtown revitalization. The Cudahy Family Library’s relationship with Signature Services Group continued — an endowment fund raising campaign was launched and raised an additional $1M to cover increased operating expenses. Then a smaller capital campaign was conducted to construct an outdoor patio and amphitheater for $1.5M.


The strong relationship between Signature Services Group and the Cudahy Family Library continues today, with millions of dollars raised to date to benefit the Cudahy community.

Fundraising Work Samples

Racine Zoo gardens photo

Racine Zoo

$6.2M Raised

The Cancer center photo

Additional Projects


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